
There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. - Joseph Goebbels https://www.bitchute.com/video/YuhYpxCCQNvS/ https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/2009455670/GoyimKnowing/videos https://t.me/KnowingGoyims1488
US Military Veteran, Turned Alt Right National Socialist
Thinker. Environmentalist. Animal-lover.
Wisdom of the Past Critique of the Present Struggle of the Future http://www.rightwingphilosophy.org [email protected] Right Wing Philosophy was begun during the autumn of CXXVII ANNÓ LVPI as a response to the increasing prevalence of shills and traitors posturing and perverting from within the all-too-liberally-conceived notion of "the political right". It is Our Mission to provide and foster all support necessary for the winning of this Struggle for the True Right, that is, according to among other things the Law of Hierarchy - our Practical Action guided by our understanding of Natural Law and Spiritual Truth.
National Socialist rancher and soldier.
Female, NatSoc, Pagan, Fit, Sick of This Shit. No more patience, no more kindness, straight 1488. Return to your roots, and improve yourself. Read. Stop watching porn. Eat right. Pay attention. Group: Warrior Fitness
Dec 2020
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