The_Patriot 🇺🇸

Anti-Political Conspiracy Theorist 👁‍🗨 Taxation is THEFT!!! 💰 I'm NOBODY and EVERYBODY 💀 AMERICA must be GREAT again. 🦅
I am an observer of the interface between illusion and delusion and sometimes commenter with the view of expressing my interpretation via opinion for the satisfaction of my own ego's frustration at being ignored by me most the time. --- l --- Cogito ergo sum
I am a meat popsicle.
Outdoors Adventurer & Lifelong Nudist 100% Hetero 100% Constitutionalist no porn Some posts contain simple nudity, nudist activities, or naturist activities, no pornography. Minds has marked this entire channel as NSFW, so you should assume everything contains nudity, which is not true.
Hi, I am: Father and husband. Dutch guy adopted from Colombia. Captain and socialworker on sailingships. Interested in new ideas and alternative angles on life in general.  A mindspeaker. Looking for interesting people. Not a blocker or reporter of idiots.  
wife and mother, Carnivore, Pureblood, who will never forget.
"If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because man, they're gone. " --Jack Handey
Spreading the Word with dank memes and based books. ✝️ IFBAP 🗽
May 2022
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