
For years I lived my life never giving anything that I heard (other than the extremely obvious) a second thought. Once in my late 40's and early 50's I began to notice huge discrepancies in the world. Many of them were such blatant lies that one could not bypass them without calling them out for what there were, while others were subtle and hardly noticeable. As my years progressed, I started researching various aspects of life and what we were told about certain things. And what I found is that, rarely are we told the entire story or the truth for that matter about anything, which led me deeper down the rabbit hole, until I found myself nestled so deep in the truth movement that for the first time in my life, I began to see how the lies were compiled upon one another in such a way as to paint a picture that we as the population are shown. But yet is far removed from the truth in nearly every aspect of what we think we know. Whether it be our own ancient history, space, or even the world itself, there are lie after lie to cover up the truth about it all. This is something I love to share, but in most instances it is not warmly or widely received as most people I'm afraid are sound asleep and do not understand that they are truly living in a Matrix.
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A philosopher|| A poet|| loves writing || Fashion Designer, and I love cooking
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