
C-Lekktor is a Mexican aggrotech project. |[1990] Under the alias of ’ C-Lekktor ‘, Marco makes his first appearances in quality of disc jockey in events that gather to the pioneer bands of the electro scene in Mexico, ‘Oxido Conkreto’, ‘Hocico’, ‘Portent’, ‘Ogo’, ‘Cenobita’, ‘Deus ex Machina’. That was the golden era of the electro (1990-1997). Besides his appearances like DJ, Marco was also involved in other projects, like the radio-phonic ones in the show ‘Oído Electrónico’ [2000] After the step of the years, maturity by means, and the contacts that left acquiring, the musical restlessness showed in a more creative and more personal project. C-Lekktor settles down formally as band with Rene Martínez’s (Libre Experimento) integration initially as vocalist although finally he decides to participate only in the musical creation, leaving this way Marco in the vowels. [2003] C-Lekktor makes its live official presentation on September 27 of 2003, at the ‘Delirium Club’ inside the First Collective Sampler ‘Electro for the Masses’ alternating with the projects ‘Goliat’ and ‘Neuromantik’. This same year ‘J. Förtran’ is integrated to the live alignment of C-Lekktor participating in the electronic percussion and later developing the visual work for the band. [2004] It leaves to the light the first demo-cd of C-Lekktor, called ‘Re-a-Gression’. This first material has the intention of recapturing elements of the classic electro/EBM in a new context and adapted in the spectrum of the current scene. Starting of ’ Re-a-Gression ’ come off a series of successful presentations in the Mexican Republic and Mexico City, saying goodbye to the 2004 as opener live act of Decoded Feedback in their first concert in our country. [2005] 2005 supposes a year of transition for the band. The whole year passes between the numerous performances with the composition and of new songs. Cause of the increasing demand by the music of C-Lekktor there is edited the maxi-cd ‘Words of
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C-Lekktor "Animals" Lyrics I start to hear your filthy mouth Begging for more Screaming my name And I start to smell your dirty cunt You want me now Between your legs I start to see you going down Please! Suck me dry Please! Do it fast And I start to lick your sticky skin That...See more


C-Lekktor "Out Of My Way" Lyrics Get out from my way! You piece of shit! I won't ask you again Get lost from my sight! You fucking fake I wish you were dead You are pathethic You are a loser You are a sack of shit Nobody gives a damn about you Drop dead you scum You fucking...See more


promo photoshooting


C-LEKKTOR in Moscow


merchandise is available for order


merchandise is available for order


Markko de C-Lekktor Lead singer of C-Lekktor


Markko de C-Lekktor Lead singer of C-Lekktor


Markko de C-Lekktor Lead singer of C-Lekktor

C-Lekktor is a Mexican aggrotech project. |[1990] Under the alias of ’ C-Lekktor ‘, Marco makes his first appearances in quality of disc jockey in events that gather to the pioneer bands of the electro scene in Mexico, ‘Oxido Conkreto’, ‘Hocico’, ‘Portent’, ‘Ogo’, ‘Cenobita’, ‘Deus ex Machina’. That was the golden era of the electro (1990-1997). Besides his appearances like DJ, Marco was also involved in other projects, like the radio-phonic ones in the show ‘Oído Electrónico’ [2000] After the step of the years, maturity by means, and the contacts that left acquiring, the musical restlessness showed in a more creative and more personal project. C-Lekktor settles down formally as band with Rene Martínez’s (Libre Experimento) integration initially as vocalist although finally he decides to participate only in the musical creation, leaving this way Marco in the vowels. [2003] C-Lekktor makes its live official presentation on September 27 of 2003, at the ‘Delirium Club’ inside the First Collective Sampler ‘Electro for the Masses’ alternating with the projects ‘Goliat’ and ‘Neuromantik’. This same year ‘J. Förtran’ is integrated to the live alignment of C-Lekktor participating in the electronic percussion and later developing the visual work for the band. [2004] It leaves to the light the first demo-cd of C-Lekktor, called ‘Re-a-Gression’. This first material has the intention of recapturing elements of the classic electro/EBM in a new context and adapted in the spectrum of the current scene. Starting of ’ Re-a-Gression ’ come off a series of successful presentations in the Mexican Republic and Mexico City, saying goodbye to the 2004 as opener live act of Decoded Feedback in their first concert in our country. [2005] 2005 supposes a year of transition for the band. The whole year passes between the numerous performances with the composition and of new songs. Cause of the increasing demand by the music of C-Lekktor there is edited the maxi-cd ‘Words of