Fighting Cultural Marxism

The origin of Cultural Marxism was the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist ideologues who tried to explain why all the attempts to set up communist societies had failed. It was already obvious in the 1920s that even the USSR was not developing as they had hoped. They realized that people just don't like communism, as even most poor people understand that handing all property rights to the government is not beneficial to them. As for the alleged end-goal of communism, a world without government where everyone just co-exists in peace and harmony without private property, that's an infantile pipe dream - now promoted by the WEF and the Great Reset. They came up with a plan to change how people think about reality by changing social and moral rules and even the language people use - something Orwell denounced in his book "1984". Unfortunately, they are moving us closer and closer to the dystopian world of 1984. Cultural Marxism includes such evil political tools as Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, Climate alarmism, 3rd and 4th wave feminism and the political exploitation of Transgenderism and Homosexuality. The most pathological Marxists even try to promote and justify pedophilia, e.g. the German "Green" party included the legalization of pedophilia in their official political program until 1993. Criticism of Cultural Marxism is usually countered with ridiculous claims that the term was used by Nazis and that it is "antisemitic", which is amusing, given that Marxists themselves are antisemitic since Marx & Engels - they passionately hated Jews and Judaism - and Nazis are Marxists themselves: While some of the main figures of Cultural Marxism were Jewish, many others were not, e.g. Derrida was Italian, Foucault, co-founder of the LGBT movement, was French, neither of them Jewish. As always, identity politics are wrong. The fight is not about the Jewish ethnicity of some of the founders of Cultural Marxism, it
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The Romanian, one of my favorite YouTubers, did an absolutely perfect job with his explanation of the real meaning of Critical Race Theory (CRT, an element of Cultural Marxism): It has NOTHING to do with race, it's all about individualism vs. submission to a collective.


Seriously, who are the retards behind DEI?


From Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck: Big news: Weeks ago I began communicating with executives at @CaterpillarInc to let them know that I was planning to expose their woke policies. Today they’re making preemptive changes. Some highlights: • No more woke trainings. • No...See more


"Being black is now an accomplishment" (hint: it is not)


At this point, Amazon and South Park cartoons mocking them are indistinguishable - I'm just surprised that they didn't make the "king" also a transgender midget. Just gay and disabled doesn't cut it anymore. Not enough victim groups represented 🙄 And have you seen worse bootlickers than those fake fans from fandomwire? How much do they pay them to write this BS?


HAHAHA, WINNING! Harley Davidson just issued this statement where they promise: • No more DEI functions • No more supplier diversity spend goals • They’ll no longer participate in HRC scoring • Sponsorship activities are changing and will focus exclusively on motorcycling, first responders, active military and veterans • No more woke trainings with socially motivated messaging inside of them


It's always great fun to watch when the woke wake up to reality! Always welcome such a person - they have left the dark side, make them comfortable to be with the good side!


Former Facebook and Nike head of DEI gets 5 years in prison for stealing millions

The origin of Cultural Marxism was the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist ideologues who tried to explain why all the attempts to set up communist societies had failed. It was already obvious in the 1920s that even the USSR was not developing as they had hoped. They realized that people just don't like communism, as even most poor people understand that handing all property rights to the government is not beneficial to them. As for the alleged end-goal of communism, a world without government where everyone just co-exists in peace and harmony without private property, that's an infantile pipe dream - now promoted by the WEF and the Great Reset. They came up with a plan to change how people think about reality by changing social and moral rules and even the language people use - something Orwell denounced in his book "1984". Unfortunately, they are moving us closer and closer to the dystopian world of 1984. Cultural Marxism includes such evil political tools as Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, Climate alarmism, 3rd and 4th wave feminism and the political exploitation of Transgenderism and Homosexuality. The most pathological Marxists even try to promote and justify pedophilia, e.g. the German "Green" party included the legalization of pedophilia in their official political program until 1993. Criticism of Cultural Marxism is usually countered with ridiculous claims that the term was used by Nazis and that it is "antisemitic", which is amusing, given that Marxists themselves are antisemitic since Marx & Engels - they passionately hated Jews and Judaism - and Nazis are Marxists themselves: While some of the main figures of Cultural Marxism were Jewish, many others were not, e.g. Derrida was Italian, Foucault, co-founder of the LGBT movement, was French, neither of them Jewish. As always, identity politics are wrong. The fight is not about the Jewish ethnicity of some of the founders of Cultural Marxism, it