Feminism vs Men's rights

Men and women are complementary, not equal. We have different strenghts and weaknesses. Our constraints and aspirations are not the same. Men and women should absolutely have equal rights before the law, but to expect equal outcomes is absurd. A woman's success should not be measured in how much she can be like a man. We need each other. Hostility between men and women can only be destructive at the personal as well as the social level. Feminism becomes destructive when it strives for women's supremacy and is based on hatred of men. This is the kind of feminism that is attacked and mocked, in this group - the cultural Marxist feminists. The group does NOT attack women. I love my daughter and want her to live a happy life, which requires a sane, healthy society without gender conflicts. #modernfeminism #feminismiscancer #marxistfeminism
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