Exposing & fighting race baiters & critical race theory

Issues about race, ethnicity, migrations etc. Exposing race baiters who try to exploit identity politics to gain power and money. Supporting those who fight race baiting. Here is an excellent web site by Christopher Harris, whom I've known for over 10 years: https://unhyphenatedamerica.org/
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The end goal of organized racism is genocide - make no mistake, BLM, Nation of Islam and all the political forces that support them have the same goal as the ANC in South Africa: the genocide of white people, including Jews - they are also openly antisemitic. This is absolutely...See more


Ash Sarkar, the Marxist, says "white replacement is a myth" ... then celebrates the "success" of the replacement program, which is an official UN program! UN Replacement Migration: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp

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This is the correct messaging! Everyone loves good people doing good things.

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The anti-white racism is crazy 😡 But read the comments - lots and lots of non-white people are also fed up with this shit! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FiiM97-0ihQ

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2018: remember the level of openly anti-white racism ... 🤦‍♂️

Try to imagine the same text with the races reversed... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/opinion-daniels-white-black-wealth-gap_n_5a947f91e4b02cb368c4bf48?guccounter=1 PS: the author clearly included Jewish people as white, which is accurate but untypical, as the media usually try to distinguish white and Jewish.

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Universities getting sued for anti-white and anti-Asian racism is what Trump was elected for

AFL just sued the University of California for systematic and widespread discrimination against White and Asian applicants in undergraduate and law school admissions.


DEI in action 😡 Shelton Snow, an Air Traffic Operations Supervisor at the FAA and a prominent figure inside the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees, was caught on an undercover audio explaining how he will help" minority" air traffic controller candidates cheat… This guy is toying with thousands of lives by getting clearly unqualified candidates to get hired - if they were qualified, they would not need his help!


Use your favorite search engine to identify terms that do not return a valid results when you enter them in the search "is <term> racist?" Take something obvious such as "fart". There can't possibly be a result that would identify farting as "racist", right? You get the gist. Please list any successful (i.e. failing) term in the comment section.

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Issues about race, ethnicity, migrations etc. Exposing race baiters who try to exploit identity politics to gain power and money. Supporting those who fight race baiting. Here is an excellent web site by Christopher Harris, whom I've known for over 10 years: https://unhyphenatedamerica.org/