Exposing & fighting race baiters & critical race theory

Issues about race, ethnicity, migrations etc. Exposing race baiters who try to exploit identity politics to gain power and money. Supporting those who fight race baiting. Here is an excellent web site by Christopher Harris, whom I've known for over 10 years: https://unhyphenatedamerica.org/
Type: All

The end goal of organized racism is genocide - make no mistake, BLM, Nation of Islam and all the political forces that support them have the same goal as the ANC in South Africa: the genocide of white people, including Jews - they are also openly antisemitic. This is absolutely...See more


Ash Sarkar, the Marxist, says "white replacement is a myth" ... then celebrates the "success" of the replacement program, which is an official UN program! UN Replacement Migration: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp


The people who produce this kind of headlines are race baiting scum 😡


As recently as 2023, Delaware was pushing this DEI crap 😡 I don't think they have to worry about creating more lawyers - since their ruling against Elon Musk, businesses are leaving that state in droves! https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/delaware-lowers-bar-pass-score-eases-path-lawyer-licensing-2023-02-21/


Clown world is getting worse 🤡


Socially appropriate behavior & life success

Many black people in the US maintained high standards in their presentation, behavior and profession as documented in photos since the 1920, so much closer to the days of slavery. There were educated black people with a high social status in the North - including architects,...See more


A typical German family, according to Tchibo 😡


In Germany, as in most, if not all, western countries, DEI and anti-white racism in advertisements have been the norm for a long time. This ad is particularly bad - what is that very young white girl doing in this black family? Why does that woman lay her hand on the girl in such an awkward way? Is the boy supposed to be her "boyfriend"? He looks way too old for her - I'd say that she's around 10-11, he must be around 16-17. Note that the company, "Vattenfall" also virtue-signals about Ukraine 🤦‍♂️


The professional race baiter Joy Reid should finally be fired!

Issues about race, ethnicity, migrations etc. Exposing race baiters who try to exploit identity politics to gain power and money. Supporting those who fight race baiting. Here is an excellent web site by Christopher Harris, whom I've known for over 10 years: https://unhyphenatedamerica.org/