Dank History Minds

This group is all about memes poking fun at history or trying to educate with bite-sized bits of information in a comedic meme format. THE RULES 1. Memes must have something to do with history. 2. Try to have fun. 3. The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat. 4. No spam. 5. No Nazi, Fascist or Communist apologists or posts. Posts unironically supporting these ideologies may be subject to moderation. 6. Historical Revisionism may be subject to moderation. Let's get our nerd on. Use #historymemes if you can please. Group created by @megamouthgames Mods: @ghoul777 @coel
Type: All
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UPDATE: Due to constant stream of spam fuckers posting degenerate horseshit in the group, I am reinstating @coel as moderator. He was already one but I guess an update wiped the slate clean. Anyway, if something comes up tag me or him. Ta mates!

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Mexican Independence Day (it's not today so I'm 2 days behind with the meme but who cares lol)

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We need King Arthur to return and marry her to save Europe!

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Otterman Empire 1739 AD *Colourised

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Andrew Jackson

“Holding my hand in one of his own and passing the other thro’ his long white locks he said, with the clearest indications of a mind composed, and in a tone entirely devoid of passion or bluster—“the bank, Mr. Van Buren is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!”” -Martin Van Buren "The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren" [pg. 625] Source: archive.org/details/annualreportofam0002john/page/624

This group is all about memes poking fun at history or trying to educate with bite-sized bits of information in a comedic meme format. THE RULES 1. Memes must have something to do with history. 2. Try to have fun. 3. The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat. 4. No spam. 5. No Nazi, Fascist or Communist apologists or posts. Posts unironically supporting these ideologies may be subject to moderation. 6. Historical Revisionism may be subject to moderation. Let's get our nerd on. Use #historymemes if you can please. Group created by @megamouthgames Mods: @ghoul777 @coel