Swiss Issues

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Japan is a high trust society - so was Switzerland

This used to be Switzerland - in the 1980s, we could leave a suitcase near the train track, go have a cup of coffee, come back and pick up the suitcase to board the train. No one would steal it and no one would ever think that the suitcase could be dangerous. If it sat there for...See more


I get it, they were ignorant, but this behavior was pure insanity! If you don't know what causes an illness, don't make up bullshit accusation against random people because they don't share your religion! Jews, too, died of the pest. Absolutely shameful😡 I hope none of them were my ancestors! My sister managed to trace part of our family back to the 16th century, so far. There were some fairly smart people among them, so I hope they didn't fall for this...


EPFL limits the number of foreign students. ETHZ asks for 2x more student fees from foreigners. Finally a little awareness that they have to take care of locals before they serve the world! If everyone takes care of their own backyard, everything is well managed. Stop the globalist bullshit!


Switzerland takes 2nd Place in World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2024 As one of the veterans and early innovators, I am obviously extremely pleased that Switzerland maintains a high level in the IT sector.


Switzerland could fit about 206 times into Brazil ( 8'514'877 / 41'293 km2). Brazil is to 60% unproductive Amazon rain forest. Switzerland is to 60% unproductive mountains. If Brazil produced the same GDP as Switzerland, per km2, that would mean $182 TRILLION per year 😂 NB:...See more


The biggest Swiss supermarket chain just fucked up by charging a Brazilian tourist a 200 CHF fine for “stealing” a 40 cent paper bag he assumed was free. That represents serious reputation harm way beyond the business itself 🙄🤦‍♂️


We don't hate the media enough 💀💀💀 So this article starts by explaining that this SWISS man went on a 2 week violent rampage around Zurich. This man from EASTERN SWITZERLAND has 7 previous condemnations. He violently attacked people under the influence of drugs and alcohol,...See more


A Chinese guy attacked a child care center in Zurich. 3 toddlers were wounded. It's so bad that all the international media report on the story. They do that all the time, in China. It's gotten so bad that they now have to have security at every child care center and school....See more


Finally an article that recognizes some fundamental Swiss values ... which the Great Reset tries very hard to destroy: "How the Craftsmanship of Swiss Watches Reflects Cultural Values and Precision"
