Evolutionary Psychology - Relationships

All things related to relationship issues
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This is an OK Cupid dating service statistic, summing up the oldest and youngest women men of a certain age will communicate with. As men get older, they will communicate with older women, but they remain open to communicating with much younger women, too. Women from age...See more


This is a relationship expert more than a sex expert. What she explains is that good sex is important to relationships, but that it is hard to maintain the sexual tension over time - I guess all married parents are well aware of that - so she provides advice about how to improve sexual relations in couples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5swtIjpxxA


This woman is in shock and awe after she met a guy who actually: - bought a house - is renovating his basement and building an entire apartment - owns a brand new SUV (with a big screen - a Tesla? 🤔) And she's like "I could live like that"... She's literally falling in love with the guy as she describes him and his achievements. He could do worse than this woman. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CHi-HcYKJls It's actually heartwarming!


This is an important conversation everyone should hear - ideally at a young age It will save you from so much pain. You may have to come to terms with the realization that you are not loved, but at least you will stop wasting your time on someone unworthy. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nKSFwCAe8qg


So she cheated on her husband or boyfriend and got pregnant and now tries to bully him into staying with her 🙄🤦‍♂️ Yeah, fuck right off, evil bitch! Go ask the guy who got you pregnant to "stand by you", but I bet he's some low-life with the IQ of a wall of bricks and a big dick. So enjoy being a single mother!


This is an excellent explanation about how men and women judge each other - the relationship map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL13EeEhgag Basically, men are easy to understand and quite straightforward whereas women have a very complex set of criteria to classify men, with very different responses that are very hard to understand, for men.


Sexuality for Reproduction & Bonding

I just came across this comment about sexuality which is very common and very wrong: "Sexual activity without fruitful results doesn't count, matter or mean anything; since the only function of sex that matters or means anything is to produce offspring." If sexuality was ONLY...See more


A slightly improved version of the Return to Polygamy


An attempt to sum up our biological timeline in a single page...


Actual 1950s comic book...

All things related to relationship issues