The Meme Hub

This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme
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UPDATE: This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here.

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👀Those people are the ones actually being in the matrix ! 🤡The matrix made in their own mind ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏 (👲Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste)


👀Some people see it and some don't ! 🤡And then there are people who do not want to see it, who want to stay ignorant because they are afraid of finding that truth 👲 and that's the truth! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀In these busy times with so much audio visual input you can lose yourself in the constant stream of information. 🤓To balance things out it is good to make sure that you now and then take some time off, seek some rest en peace (silence) 👲Recover your energy ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Sickcare vs Healthcare. What will you choose ? 🤓 It all starts with what you put into your body (and mind). 👲Garbage in garbage out goes the saying and its true. 🤡So start with eating, drinking and breathing as healthy as possible. ✨PLUR😎N🙏


👀It is an old magician trick because if you look at the left hand you do not see what the right hand is doing.🤡Or in other words if you keep looking up 👲 you do not see what is right in front of your feet. 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀Repost of my earlier work first made in dutch language. It speaks of positive way of looking at things. The glass can also represent your personal own energy level.🤡When you look at all these steps in a positive way they enforce the inner movement instead of working against yourself. 🤓Enjoy life, enjoy what you are doing. 👲And lesser things you encounter can be seen as a way of reflling one glass or one other. 👲PLUR😎N🙏


👀People walking away shall tip the balance !👲For the power of those who think they are the law only rest on the trust and believe of the people ! 🤓Nothing else 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀It's all about keeping an open mind to gain new insights 👲because when your mind is closed there is nothing able to come inside 🤓A lot of systems and information sources in society are made to close off your mind and thus you will see other people as crazy when they think out of the box ! 🤡PLUR😎N.🙏


👀 We are the 99% and although about 4% is corrupted bought and paid for or just plain ignorant following their leaders. 👲The 1% (the Elite) can not succeed if the mayority of humanity just stop follow orders ! 🤓Stop buying what they sell ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Means there is a time for waiting and a time for action. 🤡It is called timing and sometimes the waiting is preparing for the moment of action. 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀It is all about self limitations. 🤓 When you have more that binds you and thus weight you down you are more limited in what you see 👲and can do. 🤡PLUR😎N (Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste) 🙏

This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme
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