Leaving the West (Alternatives to Tyranny)

It is becoming more and more apparent that the West is going down. Thus, we have have to look for alternatives. This group has the purpose to discuss destination for the refugees of the West's demise. Post your own plans or your experience as local or expat in potential refuges. A special focus is laid on places that do not follow the medical tyranny imposed by our overlords (i.e. vaccine mandates). Thank you for joining! Please be polite! #LeavingtheWest Avatar: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kobe_kachoen28n3872.jpg?uselang=en
Type: All

Resources: All Contributions welcome! General Information: 1) https://nomadcapitalist.com/ General overview, geared towards the wealthier folk. Eastern Europe: Latin America: Asia: Africa:


What are your plans for your exit? Going to buy agricultural property in Eastern Europe? Remote work in South East Asia? Working in Latin America? #LeavingtheWest


In Cambodia and Thailand they put peas, carrots, and corn on their pizzas. Ya'll owe pineapple an apology. #food #pizza #cambodia #thailand #pineapple


Dubai, UAE has been one of the areas that I am looking at as an alternative to Western tyranny. There are little to no Covid measures and unvaccinated are not discriminated against. However, new measures by the central government cast doubt whether Dubai will remain a safe haven. Note, that the UAE's capital Abu Dhabi already restrict access to malls etc. only to vaccinated. https://www.rt.com/news/544964-uae-bars-unvaxxed-citizens-leaving/


The EU is pushing for a vaccine mandate. This will increase pressure on Eastern European nations which have become a favorite with people trying to leave the Western European tyranny substantially. Some, some, like Bulgaria and Romania, have already implemented a vaccine passport...See more


CNN is once again giving us advice: Romania and Bulgaria are lagging behind in vaccination rates. Romania and Bulgaria have fully vaccinated only 33% and 22% of their adults, respectively. Has anybody here considered going there? Both countries are my backup plan if I don't get to Mexico. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/01/europe/eastern-europe-vaccine-takeup-bulgaria-romania-intl-cmd/index.html


CNN is once again out there lying to the people, naming five countries that presumably have ended Covid restrictions: Denmark, Singapore, Thailand, Chile and South Africa. However, all these countries either still have draconic measures in place or have opened-up under the caveat...See more


I feel bad for the bookstore under the mall here.

They have a very lovely collection of books, comics, and manga, at amazing (by western standards) prices. I rarely see anyone else shopping there. Like in the west, most people figure they can just read stuff online for cheaper or free. But there's something special about owning a physical book, IMO. I'd buy more there myself, but it's all in Thai. I bought a cute picture book for my wife, because she's trying to learn Thai, so I said she could use it to teach herself. #books #thailand #reading #หนังสือ #การอ่าน


Tip #1: Don't go to Afghanistan.


Southeast Asians, at least in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, also don't like beef very much. You can get it, but it's expensive and the quality isn't great. Fish, pork, and chicken are much more plentiful and have a lot more variety than you'll probably find in the supermarket out west. #travel #southeastasia #food #thailand #cambodia


One kinda weird thing I just realized is that while American food has traveled over to southeast Asia, Mexican food hasn't. You can find cheeseburger places, pizza, KFC, and Subway sandwiches here, but if you mention tacos, burritos, or salsa, people have no idea what you're talking about. They're such a staple out west, but not in the east. #travel #southeastasia #food #thailand #mexico


In this Video, nations in Latin America and Eastern Europe and Asia are recommend to escape the tyranny. In Latin America, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador are mentioned. In Eastern Europe, Albania and North Macedonia are listed. The comments recommend Romania, too. Last but not least, Armenia. What are your takes on this countries? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5jFbSzUbQQ&t=1s

It is becoming more and more apparent that the West is going down. Thus, we have have to look for alternatives. This group has the purpose to discuss destination for the refugees of the West's demise. Post your own plans or your experience as local or expat in potential refuges. A special focus is laid on places that do not follow the medical tyranny imposed by our overlords (i.e. vaccine mandates). Thank you for joining! Please be polite! #LeavingtheWest Avatar: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kobe_kachoen28n3872.jpg?uselang=en