Minds Sports

A group for sports fanatics of all kinds. Please be respectful, if you are bitter rivalries. Sports are supposed to be fun, not hateful. That said, free speech is admired, and you can voice your opinions on other teams, as long as it's not serious, or threatening.
Type: Allโ–พ

Kansas deserved that win. I hope everyone knows that. That play will be looked at for sure.


Football season is coming up! Longhorns and Sooner remain in the Big 12 for the next four years. In the meantime, the SEC remains the most obsessed over conference, despite the lack of effort among the majority of the teams (not including Alabama.) But that doesn't mean some of them won't show themselves out this year.

A group for sports fanatics of all kinds. Please be respectful, if you are bitter rivalries. Sports are supposed to be fun, not hateful. That said, free speech is admired, and you can voice your opinions on other teams, as long as it's not serious, or threatening.