Uncle A & Frens

A collection of all things NatSoc and WWII truths
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"NEW POPULAR IDOL RISES IN BAVARIA" Hitler Credited With Extraordinary Powers of Swaying Crowds to His Will Article from 1922 New York Times https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1922/11/21/98786796.pdf


"News From Germany" A scarce German newsletter distributed in the United States from 1939 - 1945 in English. http://www.mourningtheancient.com/newsfromgermany.htm


Chart of prosecutions under § 175 in years 1902-1987; up to 1943 with bestiality Events: 1907-1909: Harden-Eulenburg Affair; 1914-1918 WW1; 1924: Fritz Haarmann; 1957: Bundesverfassungsgericht Data source: https://www.jstor.org/stable/30114233 p. 221; Rainer Hoffschildt: 140.000 Verurteilungen nach „§ 175“. In: Fachverband Homosexualität und Geschichte e. V. (Hrsg.): Invertito – 4. Jg. – Denunziert, verfolgt, ermordet: Homosexuelle Männer und Frauen in der NS-Zeit. MännerschwarmSkript Verlag, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-935596-14-6, S. 140–149.


A huge edition of Mein Kampf presented to Hermann Goring. General Patton stole this after WWII.

AI caption: the man is holding a box
AI caption: a book on a table with candles, black and white a man in uniform holding a box

Interview with Sigmund, an early member of the SA and SS TotenKopfverband, a veteran of the Totenkopf Division that fought in 1944/45 to relieve Budapest, and most interestingly, a member of the Thule Society. Munich, 1989. "You see, this was all about us, the study of Germanic...See more


The Struggle for Berlin by Joseph Goebbels PDF: http://www.mourningtheancient.com/goebbels-struggle.pdf


Interview with Hans Schmidt

"Reichsführer-SS Himmler had grand dreams for the SS but the war took those dreams away. What was created to be a Germanic tip of the spear for European survival, ended up being a multi-racial, and multi-ethnic army to battle the enemies of this dream. It is ironic that Hollywood teaches that the SS was a twisted form of German superiority, yet it was French SS men that defended the bunker area to the last breath." http://www.mourningtheancient.com/ww2-x51.htm

A collection of all things NatSoc and WWII truths