Our Story - Exploring History - Revelations

History is a powerful tool to guide us on our journey. It can also misdirect and misinform for political reasons. It is important to know where we have been, to wisely decide where to go. This is an open minded group to unlearn lies and learn truths of history . "History is written by the Victors" - Many Variations of this can be found... https://slate.com/culture/2019/11/history-is-written-by-the-victors-quote-origin.html . #History #Historical #Education #Exploration #Fabrications #Revelation #Alternative #Open #Seeking #Wisdom #Truth #Truths #Humanity #Life #Eras #Times #Ages #Technology #Records #Letters #Power #Politics #Misunderstanding #Mistakes #Accuracy #Incomplete #Information #Scholar #Research #Seeker #Record #Interpretation
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