Pagan Revival , Folk Faith , Folk Right

We are rediscovering our roots and folkish pagan ways of our ancestors! Folk Faith is Ethnic Faith and Folk Right is also an Ancient Teutonic Right designed to protect people against tyranny! All people who want to learn about folkish paganism is welcomed here, but we will not tolerate proselytizing for abrahamic religions, Judeo-Christianity and Islam! And we will stay as far away from SJW and woke-ism as possible! Our spirituality is based on nature, tribe and ethnos, blood and soil! We promote ethnic faith for everybody, and reject abrahamism in all it forms as we also reject communism, multiculturalism and globalism! When joining this group, please add an avatar to your profile! Admin, Creator @paganrevival Nórdfolk Revivalist Second Admin @fenrizwulf Fenrizwúlf (Völkish Spirit)
Type: All

Lady of the Forest, Goddess of the Hunt

Protectress of the deer and all wild things! Also associates to Artemis, Diana, Frau Holle and also the Queen of Elphame! (Group Avatar) #EuropeanPaganism #Folklore #FolkFaith


Pagan Revival , Folk Faith , Folk Right

Tenets of Folk Right, Pagan Revival group standards, what we do, and what we are about, and not about : (the picture above only serves as illustration!) We are rediscovering our roots and folkish pagan ways of our ancestors! Folk Faith is Ethnic Faith. Folk Right is an...See more


Volklore E01 : Yuletide Chat

(click the link below to view this stream! ;


Silent Night (pagan version)

#Paganism #Heathenry


Viking Dragon Heads ~ then & now : Part I of II

#NorseCulture & #Art


Viking Dragon Heads ~ then & now : Part II of II

#NorseCulture & #Art

We are rediscovering our roots and folkish pagan ways of our ancestors! Folk Faith is Ethnic Faith and Folk Right is also an Ancient Teutonic Right designed to protect people against tyranny! All people who want to learn about folkish paganism is welcomed here, but we will not tolerate proselytizing for abrahamic religions, Judeo-Christianity and Islam! And we will stay as far away from SJW and woke-ism as possible! Our spirituality is based on nature, tribe and ethnos, blood and soil! We promote ethnic faith for everybody, and reject abrahamism in all it forms as we also reject communism, multiculturalism and globalism! When joining this group, please add an avatar to your profile! Admin, Creator @paganrevival Nórdfolk Revivalist Second Admin @fenrizwulf Fenrizwúlf (Völkish Spirit)