Everywhere there is mathematics.

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Hey everyone! I love math, I take math classes at my university and I am currently learning Haskell. I also know Julia, the scientific programming language. If you want to join my Julia chat, use these links :) https://matrix.to/#/#julia:minds.com #julia:minds.com I am from Staten Island, New York, and I also speak Russian. If anyone would like to chat and be friends, feel free to message me 😀 I am new to the Minds Platform.


We all are beautiful but not much as this equation e^(iπ) +1=0


I said to her "I am like zero, simply nothing" she was surprised with an exclamation. Now I feel like I am something. (0!) #Maths_magic❣


If you ever feel low like being zero then just remember that I am the "one" always over you. Let's share the Joy of infinity💖 #maths_magic💖
