If we are serious about winning this war against life, against the spirit of mankind, against freedom, truth, health, and the sacred character of existence, then we must stop using anti-life technologies, as a matter of the utmost urgency. There is enough evidence to prove that non-ionizing radiation from smart phones, cell phone towers, wifi, smart meters, etc., is extremely detrimental to all biological life. These are anti-life frequencies, unnatural, and none have been proven to be in any way beneficial. It is time to take greater responsibility for the realm we live in, and this is a campaign to help begin to restore the Earth to its natural, life-giving frequencies, and by boycotting the wireless telecom industry, we can help end the digital surveillance state. We have a simple choice, to continue using smart surveillance weapons that are detrimental to health and well-being, or we cease our collusion, and stop funding the 5G genocide, and the Internet of Things.