Hope An A Holographic World

Hope In A Holographic World The emergence of evolved children causing a disturbance in political power spurs powerful people to strike out via covert means in an attempt to destroy the children. When they failed and nuke the world in their panic the population flees to state of the art bunkers equipped with hard light holographic interface. During the chaos one of these visionary children, now an adult with superior mental abilities rushes to reprogram the AI to prevent the extinction of her kind. The elite wont let this stop them from controlling the computer’s holographic interface. They splice the visionary gene into their own DNA and use their unique genetics to control the computer systems and to separate themselves amongst the occupants. Making it necessary to strictly control the genetic emergence of visionary genes via population control. After committing genocide against the human population to eradicate visionaries they establish themselves as the new genetic line of low powered visionaries to subvert the emerging spiritual movement surrounding the phenomena and to appear as victims. Everything is holographic from birth till death, nothing is real. History has been subverted and humanity has forgotten it’s heritage.
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