Cumbernauld Truthers

Just reaching out to people in the Cumbernauld area who are on Minds and don't quite gel with the whole ideology going on with the big tech websites. You probably don't like censorship and have a view on Covid-19 that you are banned from expressing on big tech platforms. You probably don't trust the talking heads on TV and maybe haven't watched it for a long time. You probably have spiritual views that don't quite correlate with half-truths spoken from the pulpits and you probably don't trust much of anything that's a government regulated institution. Your'e probably genuinely poor, like you know what it is to have a debt collector looking for money you've never had to spend in the first place, you know what emergency is when the lights go out, you don't have a TV licence and you wouldn't buy one even if you watched TV. There are a raft of organisations hoping to get free money to make you more "employable" despite that you have skills no one will pay a fair wage for but you don't get enough benefit to buy a a suavey business suit so you can live off government grants instead. You cant afford the pub and broody hens would only talk down to you at any government run community amenity and therefore you are alone in a world gone mad ... and you live in Cumbernauld. Take part. No shills. No sheeple. No wolfs in sheeps clothing.
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