✝️ Christinsanity ☦️

There is a reason why Christianity rhymes with insanity… “If you believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, you'll believe anything.” The first step on the path to freedom from a trauma-based mind control cult is to recognize that you are in a cult. “Those aren't the REAL Christians…” is no excuse.
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#DailyReminder: Fractured families / fratricidal brother wars is the Jesus agenda and it is unmistakably stated right there in the Bible for all to see. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at...See more


Every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Donald Jesus Trump, “The Chosen One”, is Lᴏʀᴅ and Savior. ✊ #Trump2024


After all this political theater Trump will be able to get away with anything, as if he is the second coming of Jesus, and his adoring fans will support him 💯% NO MATTER WHAT while praising God he is president. What went down at the RNC is about the most cringeworthy thing a...See more


It's not as if the Trump worshiping cult of personality wasn't bad enough already, it has been taken to new heights of euphoric ecstasy. He could ban all AR-15–style "assault" rifles with an executive order as the first thing he does upon reelection and his fawning fans would go...See more


“I just want to say from the bottom of my heart: I, I know you do a lot of work with folks who have been incarcerated, with bringing them back into the world. We, we believe in a god who is a god of second chances, right?… And in America, we love the jews, ladies and gentlemen.” J.D. Vance, eh?… nice pick for VP Mr. MAGA! Nothing is going to Make America Great Again like helping the jews at Tzedek get more jewish criminals out of prison so they can commit more crimes! 🇮🇱 #MIGA ✡️ #ZOG 🕎 #JWO 🙈 #Traitors 🙉 #Treason 🙊 18 U.S. Code § 2381


After all this political theater Trump will be able to get away with anything, as if he is the second coming of Jesus, and his adoring fans will support him 💯% NO MATTER WHAT while praising God he is president. What went down at the RNC is about the most cringeworthy thing a...See more


#DailyReminder: Jesus Christ is not family friendly; he is the antithesis of family values and absolutely against his disciples having a healthy sense of self-esteem. What's more, he hung out with hookers and tax collectors to be in his element. This is exactly what you would...See more


#DailyReminder: When it comes to fluffing hairy hymie balls and sucking circumcised cock, nobody does it better than a flamboyant, philo-semitic, stuttering atheist with a thick British accent… “I mean I, I, I, you know, I, I've sometimes thought about it this way (I haven't...See more


#DailyReminder: Yeah, you may have a circumcised heart but you are not truly Christian unless you go all the way, as your Lᴏʀᴅ and Savior Jesus Christ prescribed. “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.¨ (Matthew 19:12 KJV) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19:12&version=KJV


Juan O Savin accidentally drops his mic while trying to put his hand in his pocket and continues to fumble through his speech… Adoring fan, "This is great, this is so great!” Christians & QAnon are so retarded! 😂 💥 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kTNEVevaWw


#DailyReminder: Christianity is a fifth column in every nation except the “promised land” aka Israel. If you call yourself “Christian” you fear and worship an imaginary jewish god and serve the king of the jews, a make-believe messiah. Both the god of the jews and the king of the...See more


#DailyReminder: If you are not a jew and call yourself Christian: you have forsaken your Gods, betrayed your ancestors and you openly identify yourself as a Zionist shill who is collaborating with jews in favor of a foreign region as a traitor to your nation and an enemy of your...See more

There is a reason why Christianity rhymes with insanity… “If you believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, you'll believe anything.” The first step on the path to freedom from a trauma-based mind control cult is to recognize that you are in a cult. “Those aren't the REAL Christians…” is no excuse.