Alaska Residents Community Networking Group

The " Alaska Residents Community Networking Group " Members are resident of the State of Alaska. The mission of this " Group " is for Residents to come together for everyday conversation, and build a community network to support the "Negro Community " 1st but all persons who identify as "Myelinated" are welcome to Join. It is important for Adults to build a safety net for our self, our children and the next generation. But, that will take put in the work Now and in a short time we see positive results. My priority is ( Saving, Protecting and Preserving ) the 246-years sacrifice and achievement of " Negro Ancestors ", so we can have a history we are proud of and our children can grow up learning about their history and also be proud. #America and the OMB are working hard to " Remove Negro " from ( Local, State and Federal ) each and everyday and you can do your own research on Google, if you need Proof of this Fact. We are a special Ethnic Race that can never be Erased or Duplicated. We have a responsibility to preserve Our Rich History and leave the Future generation a Solid Foundation to achieve their individual full potential without Harm and Death, with a Safe and Health environment. You do your part by Joining this " Alaska Residents Community Networking Group " for your Home State. This will allow " Descendant of Slave Ancestor's " and other Melanie ( Brown and Dark ) skin Tone to combine their Collective Power to demand ( Reparations, Human Rights and a Protective Status in this Racist Country America. Please do all you can so We can Grow this members Group. We will use this Group to get Organize for Addressing Problems and deciding on " Solutions " by reaching a Common Sense consensus of as many Voices as Humanly possible to Hear. Please use Respect and Discipline at all Time when interacting with other Group Members. I will be considering Volunteers from anyone that would like to be a ( Moderator / Ad
Type: Allā–¾
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Join " Alaska Residents Boycott Group " Today

Join " Alaska Residents Boycott Group " membership .. Goal to demand ( SpecialFieldOrder15, Negro Nation, Negro Ethnicity ) & Human Rights & Resources- Purpose to Target Businesses & Products-Also Random " Prize Giveaway " @ (200-members ) #MSNBC #CNN #Boycott #FoxNews #CBS -

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This have to be one of best ( Online Tool ) I have use since I started using the Internet in 2001 ... it just blows my Minds All the ways this Tool help me with my daily task #NegroAmerican #SaveTheNegro #NegroAncestors #SFO15 -

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The " Alaska Residents Community Networking Group " Members are resident of the State of Alaska. The mission of this " Group " is for Residents to come together for everyday conversation, and build a community network to support the "Negro Community " 1st but all persons who identify as "Myelinated" are welcome to Join. It is important for Adults to build a safety net for our self, our children and the next generation. But, that will take put in the work Now and in a short time we see positive results. My priority is ( Saving, Protecting and Preserving ) the 246-years sacrifice and achievement of " Negro Ancestors ", so we can have a history we are proud of and our children can grow up learning about their history and also be proud. #America and the OMB are working hard to " Remove Negro " from ( Local, State and Federal ) each and everyday and you can do your own research on Google, if you need Proof of this Fact. We are a special Ethnic Race that can never be Erased or Duplicated. We have a responsibility to preserve Our Rich History and leave the Future generation a Solid Foundation to achieve their individual full potential without Harm and Death, with a Safe and Health environment. You do your part by Joining this " Alaska Residents Community Networking Group " for your Home State. This will allow " Descendant of Slave Ancestor's " and other Melanie ( Brown and Dark ) skin Tone to combine their Collective Power to demand ( Reparations, Human Rights and a Protective Status in this Racist Country America. Please do all you can so We can Grow this members Group. We will use this Group to get Organize for Addressing Problems and deciding on " Solutions " by reaching a Common Sense consensus of as many Voices as Humanly possible to Hear. Please use Respect and Discipline at all Time when interacting with other Group Members. I will be considering Volunteers from anyone that would like to be a ( Moderator / Ad