The Minds 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project was originally created by Michael Bierut in 2010 for his graduate graphic design students at the Yale School of Art and in 2014 it was brought to Instagram. And now in 2023 it's coming to Minds. The Minds 100 Day Project will officially start on March 7, 2023 (Full moon with creativity at its peak) and end 100 days later. As this is a personal project, totally designed and directed by YOU, you can start and stop whenever you want to. Is there something you would like to learn and develop? Or something you've been wanting to do but it's been on hold till the 'right' time? Perhaps the time is now: To begin or begin again with a fresh approach. How to participate Design your own project: Something that will hold your attention, or challenge you to, for the next 100 days: Be it some form of art, writing, music, singing, dancing or video production: Or making such as knitting, sewing or cooking: Or planting/growing seeds or trees: Or documenting your walk/commute to work. Anything that you feel you'll enjoy doing in 10-30 minutes a day. If you miss a day it's no big deal because you're completely in charge of making your own 'guidelines.' When inspired, share your progress in this group and/or on your own channel using the hashtag #the100dayproject. You might also like to use a hashtag that is unique to your own Project. You can post the progress of your Project every day, a few times a week, once a week, or whatever fits into your lifestyle. Why do it? 'By committing to doing something for 100 consecutive days, you are building muscle and momentum to develop a skill and/or bring something new into your life.' ~Catherine Rains. As an example, my project will be to integrate drawing, watercolour and photography into small 3D arrangements with natural materials and stitching.
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My Minds 100 Day Project: Eco Curios Tiny Books. Day 69 and 70. It's 20 days since I started this book making project. And I thought it would take me only a few days! If only! 🙏 This is the final arrangement for the wrapping paper featuring the movement of the ocean within an...See more

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My Minds 100 Day Project: Eco Curios Tiny Books. Day 84 'When you send that love out from the bountifulness of your own love, it reaches other people. This love is the deepest power of prayer.' ~John O’Donohue: Anam Cara. There are many versions of this arrangement with orange...See more

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Infinity: 11:11: Heart: Seeds: Spring Opposites.

Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland

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Grid of Nine: Crosses and 100 Cross Stitches

This was to be one of my contributions to the Menindee Memorial Loop that will commemorate the horrific fish kills which occurred in the Baaka/Darling River over 2018-2023. The collaborative artwork consisting of a long loop of fabric covered in thousands of tiny,...See more

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Final arrangement of this series of Heaven and Earth.

Infinity: A symbol to represent the coming together of Heaven and Earth. In this arrangement I used an oyster shell in the shape of a heart surrounded by spiral shells in the shape of a heart. Blue Kyanite to represent water at the bottom and here the spirals, the foam/motion of a wave. The 11:11 is now at the top at at the far sides Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland

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Heaven and Earth.

Infinity: A symbol to represent the coming together of Heaven and Earth. In this arrangement I used red berries and seeds to represent seeds and fruit of the earth. The black crystals are to assist grounding/earthing. Blue Kyanite to represent water. Spirals, the foam/motion of a wave. On one side Earth: Moss with tiny star shaped flowers and on the other Water: A sea urchin. Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland

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Aquarius Full Moon and Star Seeds

Today's second and much simpler arrangement: The circular 'moon' at the top has changed into a heart shape and different feathers have been added to make the 'Winged Heart.' The 11:11 is still at the top so that Star Seed energy is flowing down from the 'portal' to the earth:...See more

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Aquarius Full Moon and Star Seeds

Today's arrangement: Realigned the 'moon' at the top and added wings to the 'Winged Heart.' Aligned the position of the 11:11 ~ At the top now so that energy is flowing down from the 'portal' to the earth. Represented by the tiny star shaped pale pink flowers, Seeds falling...See more

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This is today's arrangement after walking the infinity at home in the back garden. I'm not all that fond of it, but sharing because I did try quite a few new things. Realigned the 'moon' at the top so it's in the centre. Changed the position of the 11:11 so for the first...See more

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Full Moon in Aquarius

I loved reading my Libran Stars for this Full Moon in Aquarius. Somehow it seems so timely for me to be reading something so promising after hearing strong voices of doubt and uncertainty in myself and especially my art recently. 'Share your truth, Libra. This Full Moon in...See more

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Infinity: Heaven and Earth

Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland

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Infinity: Heaven and Earth

This was just the beginning of today's arrangement. Another breakthrough which I'll explain with the final stage. Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland

The 100 Day Project was originally created by Michael Bierut in 2010 for his graduate graphic design students at the Yale School of Art and in 2014 it was brought to Instagram. And now in 2023 it's coming to Minds. The Minds 100 Day Project will officially start on March 7, 2023 (Full moon with creativity at its peak) and end 100 days later. As this is a personal project, totally designed and directed by YOU, you can start and stop whenever you want to. Is there something you would like to learn and develop? Or something you've been wanting to do but it's been on hold till the 'right' time? Perhaps the time is now: To begin or begin again with a fresh approach. How to participate Design your own project: Something that will hold your attention, or challenge you to, for the next 100 days: Be it some form of art, writing, music, singing, dancing or video production: Or making such as knitting, sewing or cooking: Or planting/growing seeds or trees: Or documenting your walk/commute to work. Anything that you feel you'll enjoy doing in 10-30 minutes a day. If you miss a day it's no big deal because you're completely in charge of making your own 'guidelines.' When inspired, share your progress in this group and/or on your own channel using the hashtag #the100dayproject. You might also like to use a hashtag that is unique to your own Project. You can post the progress of your Project every day, a few times a week, once a week, or whatever fits into your lifestyle. Why do it? 'By committing to doing something for 100 consecutive days, you are building muscle and momentum to develop a skill and/or bring something new into your life.' ~Catherine Rains. As an example, my project will be to integrate drawing, watercolour and photography into small 3D arrangements with natural materials and stitching.