
Any opinions on Whiskey, from the perspective of random alcoholics and wannabe connosseurs on the internet.
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Glen Talloch

Blended scotch Put ice in this, and it becomes smooth as silk. Not particularly great tasting though. Not really disappointing or bad, just... whiskey. It's OK, just... missing something. Is smooth. I give it that. Skip the ice and get better flavor, or put some ice in and get the smoothest whiskey in existence. I wonder if I should drink bourbon instead... whatever. Better than Chivas is faint praise...



Blended Scotch Whiskey 43% Looks like whiskey, smells like whiskey, tastes like whiskey. Does not improve with ice. Not even a little. Goes fine with the Scottish Prince polo (Tunnock's). Does not pair well with coffee. A shame, I like coffee. Remarkably smooth for something that is 42%, but you still notice that this is hard liquor. Goes down remarkably well. I like this. Not fancy, but good. Good stuff, but skip the coffee for this one.


Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whiskey Smells great. Looks like it's already been watered down, but by the taste, it isn't. I mean, it is the clearest whiskey I've seen so far. Ice smooths it up, but does bat things to the flavor, so I don't recommend icing this. Marginally better than Clansman, which is itself better than Chivas Regal. Have a cup of coffee with this, and you'll do great.


Clansman Blended Scotch, 40%. Don't bother with the ice, it totally ruinates the flavor. Smells nice, but the taste is sub-par. I mean, everything else on the list preceding this is better. But this was the cheapest one I saw, and I just really needed some whiskey in my bloodstream. I think they intend this to be a little bit over-consumed, if you know what I mean.


Chivas Regal 12 It's OK. But it's no Tullamore Dew, or Kentucky Bourbon. These things really don't always get better with age, I think. This one is better without the ice. Neat. Drink it like that. Ice does make it smoother, but the flavor suffers. Forgot to buy Prince Polo. Damn.


Buffalo Trace bourbon

A very palatable, caramelly, but not really smooth bourbon whiskey. You know you're drinking alcohol. But hey, if you were just into smooth wine you'd not drink whiskey. But not bad. Sometimes we all need a little sting. One sip just calls for another. Side-by-side comparison with JD would probably favor this a little. Must get some Prince Polo... I feel it would go well with this.


Tullamore Dew

First impressions: it's a mild, whiskey flavored whiskey. I rather like it. Goes well with Tunnock's dark caramel. Which is something else, about half-way between Prins Polo and Lion Bar, I guess.



Named after a volcano. May or may not be extinct. Who knows? Scotch imported to Iceland, blended to become the regulated 40% with Icelandic water. So... basically scotch. Very smooth, rather similar to Ben Nevis actually. A very pleasant, quality stuff. Nothing outlandish about it. Compares very well with Nikka. Nikka is better, but... you know. Expensive. Ice or no ice, no matter. Probably better neat. Can recommend for the casual drinker. The Brother's Brewery uses the barrel this stuff comes in to age Imperial Stout.


Islay Mist. Reasonably priced Blended Scotch. Tastes like such. Put in 1 ice cube and this is pretty good. OK straight up, but better with the ice. Nothing remarkable, but very adequate for your blended scotch needs. I don't regret getting this.

AI caption: islay mist scotch whisky, black and white

Jack Daniels Bourbon

1: Jim Beam is better (IMO, YMMV) 2: it was better when it was 42% Most people I ask say this is best mixed with coke. I forget whether I have tried that. Sounds bad. Me, I put it in a glass with 1 ice, like it's somekind of a fancy Scotch, make some strong black coffee, and...See more

AI caption: jack daniels whiskey 750ml, black and white

Nikka whiskey From the barrel Alc% 51.4 % Some moon-runes on the bottle. No idea what they mean. Real bloody good stuff - but you need 1 ice. A small one. To be enjoyed slowly.

Any opinions on Whiskey, from the perspective of random alcoholics and wannabe connosseurs on the internet.