Minds Streaming

For any and every streamer on Minds using Minds infrastructure
Type: Allβ–Ύ

So there is no Live Now tab on the Minds home page as of now for the new streaming feature. So I've created a new group for streamers on Minds who use Minds as a streaming platform: https://www.minds.com/group/1532246806308589577


Apparently, reminding from a non-group post only works as a quote post, so to get a blog in here, I pretty much have to recreate the post: Live streams are here on Minds, but there are no stream chats. However, you can add your own using the Minds Chat and easily integrate it into your stream with OBS. https://www.minds.com/realitysend/blog/stream-chat-1532069353510408211

For any and every streamer on Minds using Minds infrastructure