Student Revolutionary Strike Force

Tyrannical elite class. New World Order forced upon all Western countries. Traitors loyal to elite's massive wealth filling governments, corporations and the populace in general. Elite-owned systems of propaganda and indoctrination, filling all of Western civilization with proven-effective brainwashing material. How long until the hereditary elite class-operated one-world government takes control?
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Antifa has a dedicated cadre of well-indoctrinated troublemakers. Some of them have the brainpower to devise strategies, weapons and tactics to be an effective force of destruction. It is hard to offer definitive proof, but there is evidence that very-wealthy traitors who...See more


The elite-class-owned mainstream media along with their lackey politicians have slandered USA unions for decades. Nothing but negatives about unions conveyed. When the Mafia infiltrated unions to skim a lot of wealth from them and advance the mafia agendas. Politicians were aware...See more


Self-delusion? Mental illness? If this is what USA society and culture creates, if I was the leader of a foreign country I would do all I could to keep the USA as distanced as possible so that the disgusting sickening influences of the foul place did not permeate my land.

Tyrannical elite class. New World Order forced upon all Western countries. Traitors loyal to elite's massive wealth filling governments, corporations and the populace in general. Elite-owned systems of propaganda and indoctrination, filling all of Western civilization with proven-effective brainwashing material. How long until the hereditary elite class-operated one-world government takes control?