Oscar the Grinch

My name is Oscar, and I'm a Grinch. The meanest, ugliest personality you will ever meet. And I stay in my house all the time and rarely come out because of it. I am frequently confused with another character of the same name who is homeless and lives in a Trash Can. His name is Oscar too, but he lives one block over on Sesame. But unlike him, I chase the children away from my house, when I see them playing in the street. And sometimes they call me names because of it. They think I hate them, but its because we have people, who drive their F-350s fifty miles per hour down my street, all hours of the day and night. I know this because I can hear them four blocks away. Their engines are very loud, and sometimes they wake me up at night. Sometimes they will stop, in front of my house and peel out. Other times they drive so recklessly down my narrow street that I have to veer over to avoid being hit. Now, I leave only when it's absolutely necessary. And even then I have to take my camera and record the things that happen to me so people can see exactly why I am the way I am.
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