The Workbenchers

Worldbuilding? Working on something or just other stuff you don't want to post on your actual channel? Come over here and hangout pallios. Let's make some stuff.
Type: All

Might rework map a little

But this is of the South


I got a now Not everythings been posted but if you wanna support, I'd like to make a great story and some balla art


Tier 4 Predators

The South is different from the North in that no wild animal, aside from some Elephants and [Indricotheres] are safe from predators. And across [Eurasia] and [Africa] and [North America] exist three predators that IRL, hunted game like Rhinos and other early probisidains. Hellpigs aren't featured here, but I seemed to have forgotten about [Beardogs] left, and [Hyenadonts] right. The top beasts of [South America], [Australia], and [Antarctica] aren't quite the same though...



Just getting the archetypes Creative Freedom shall be taken later


Dodo & Tapir

Not to scale of course.



My method to making races here (and for the others) 1. Draw the man based on whatever it is your basing them on. 2. Draw the woman reflection of the man.



South American weird critters

Worldbuilding? Working on something or just other stuff you don't want to post on your actual channel? Come over here and hangout pallios. Let's make some stuff.