Harry and Joulupukki's home for shitposters, proud racists, and stolen memes..Minds edition

The great migration has begun. The month of March brings our legion to a new platform. Join us on theblab.org a place we own completely.
Type: All


Race and Religion


It's been a while, I hope You're all good and doing well! \o


This is and Shadow bans is what happens when you wont pay Elon $90 a year for Twitter lol. This is like the 5th account its happened to me on. Every other time it took at least two mounts and me trolling Celebrities or the CCP. This time it took about a week and a half and me only making about 30 post none to any celebrities or to any governments. Super based Elon 👍 Can't wait for the Sheep to line up to let you put a chip in their heads.


I got bored and made another twitter account to troll. Then this fat moron popped up on the feed. He's not even American he's some fat Scottish cuck that put on the shirt to try to get likes. Then was crying when people where making fun of him for being fat as fuck lol


I was told after almost 40 years Romanian History is about to repeat itself.


rabbi torba is still trying to milk the last 800 or so people he has left. And if you don't count mikes sock accounts that goes down to like 650 lol


I made this to troll some morons before I deleted a twitter page. I was thinking it would get some idiots to go "How can you say that about POC" Not knowing it was Albanians. But I got Albanians bitching about it instead and thinking it was a real trump post


She didint deserve you anyways Bruder @harry_bungalo

The great migration has begun. The month of March brings our legion to a new platform. Join us on theblab.org a place we own completely.