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All that unaccounted money has ended in the pockets of the globalist bankers. Their business model is one based on leeching and robbing because their Talmudic religion says that stealing and defrauding is a good thing. All their wealth is the result of criminal activities.


Detailed Analysis: Why Arabs Lose Wars? #NoMoreGoatShaggers! This video based by article is a personal account of U.S. Army Colonel Norvell DeAtkine's experience in dealing with Arab militaries for over 40 years. This video provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of...See more


The entire abortion industry was founded and promoted by the globalist bankers as an effort to destroy the white race.


Save the Animals. Vote Trump!

Save the Animals. Vote Trump!


Happy AIDS Appreciation Month

Happy AIDS Appreciation Month Tags: AIDS = Another Infected Dick Sucker, Asshole Injected Death Sentence, GAY = Got Aids Yet?


Kamala's Top 5 Lies From the Last Debate I am no longer on facebook, so the only way this DAMNING EVIDENCE will be put in front of voters in swing states is if YOU, THE VIEWER repost this everywhere you can on facebook! Additional information can be found in the narrative BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel.


No Kool-Aid drinkers here

No Kool-Aid drinkers here: Free Speech Alternative Social Media Sign-Up Here:


From London: Meet Shaniqua from HR

From London: Meet Shaniqua from HR In support of this the woke company I work for is having an Afro Caribbean Hair day tomorrow, and they want all employees to come to work with an Afro Caribbean hairstyle..... I'm Dreading it........ Badoom Tish 🥁 Just imagine what you could do with a cigarette lighter. Kind of like burning the fuzz off of dandelions?

thumb_upthumb_downchat_bubble Jagmeet will never defeat the Liberals. Is too much of a chicken shit, self-serving little fuck. Anyone who votes NDP in this country, whether provincially or federally is total idiot. Of course he rejects it -his pension doesn’t vest until next June ! Not one other party will join the CPC in a no confidence vote ! They all know they will get decimated in an election ! They all put their interests ahead of what Canada needs !


25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump

25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump Please repost this on ALL of your other social media sites, ESPECIALLY facebook!


Kamala Lies: Local Springfield Ohio Pastor: I can confirm the stories are true

Kamala Lies: Local Springfield Ohio Pastor: I can confirm the stories are true Via: “Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name,...See more

Tyrannical Laws: 8: This is an Open Chat, open for everyone: The word is yours. 6: Advertising your channel/group is ok, but no spam 1: Don't spam.