Tibetan Buddhism

A form of Buddhism prevailing in the Tibet region of China, Bhutan, the state of Sikkim in India, Mongolia, and parts of Siberia and SW China. It has sometimes been called Lamaism, from the name of the Tibetan monks, the lamas [superior ones]. The religion is derived from the Indian Mahayana form of Buddhism, but much of its ritual is based on the esoteric mysticism of Tantra and on the ancient shamanism and animism of Bon, an older Tibetan religion. It is also called Tantrayana [tantra vehicle] or Vajrayana [vehicle of the thunderbolt]. #Tibetan #Buddhism #Buddhadharma #HHDL #Dharma #Tibet http://buddhism.about.com/od/vajrayanabuddhism/a/tibetanoverview.htm
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The bottom line almost EVERYONE (to this point) has missed, is #KARMA. i.e. "Why was this man born BLIND?" the disciples asked Christ. "Was it b/c HE sinned, or his parents sinned?" We are born with certain features, attributes etc. based largely on PREVIOUS lives karma (i.e. ACTION). Let's hope, B4 too long, someone clarifies this a little better. #HHDL #SJWS #DHARMA #Tibet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7eu2EBFCi8

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Tibetan Buddhist World (Facebook)

OM MANI PADME HUM! Nearly 145,000 members (and climbing) NOT 2 shabby https://www.facebook.com/groups/tibetanbuddhistworld #Tibetan #Buddhist #DHARMA #Shambhala #World Annyong Haseyo? @thedude1


Buddha’s Birthday 2022 (Episode No.266)

Up NEXT! Friday, May 20th, 2022 Buddha’s Birthday 2022 (Episode No.266) https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1374367751795118098?referrer=PirateRadioNetwork https://dlive.tv/WPRPN https://www.twitch.tv/wprpn https://www.facebook.com/Japhy32/ 8pm PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja 11pm EST - New York, Toronto, Miami (Saturday - 12pm NOON in Tokyo & Seoul)


Please feel free to assist in starting an online Buddhist community on minds. It will be an Open Online Sangha that has its philosophic foundation in (Vijñānavāda, विज्ञानवाद; Cittamatra, चित्त मात्र ) which is the doctrine of Consciousness Only. Each being possesses the source...See more


108 symbolizes the form and flow of meditative movement, in yoga and tai chi. 1 symbolizes linear movement, 0 symbolizes circular movement, and 8 symbolizes spiraling movement. https://meditation108.weebly.com

A form of Buddhism prevailing in the Tibet region of China, Bhutan, the state of Sikkim in India, Mongolia, and parts of Siberia and SW China. It has sometimes been called Lamaism, from the name of the Tibetan monks, the lamas [superior ones]. The religion is derived from the Indian Mahayana form of Buddhism, but much of its ritual is based on the esoteric mysticism of Tantra and on the ancient shamanism and animism of Bon, an older Tibetan religion. It is also called Tantrayana [tantra vehicle] or Vajrayana [vehicle of the thunderbolt]. #Tibetan #Buddhism #Buddhadharma #HHDL #Dharma #Tibet http://buddhism.about.com/od/vajrayanabuddhism/a/tibetanoverview.htm