Writing Corner

This Group Is For Poetry, Original Articles, Minds Blogs And Writing Activities. Do Not Post Sales Links Unless You Have A Membership With Us https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/shop -- This group is moderated you can report with the community if you feel you have been banned by mistake or wish to make amends tag an admin in the community chat room https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#MindsGaming:minds.com -- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report my users in this area follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from my that user immediately and leave this area, this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms --- #WritingCorner #MindsGaming #Thursday #minds #writing #Poetry
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Welcome to the #WritingCorner ! A place to share your ORIGINAL poems, book introductions, thoughts and anything else having to do with writing! Spam and off topic posts will be removed and posters banned from this area. “Writing is a quantum leap of the imagination, a journey into the unknown, a discovery of new worlds and possibilities. Writing is the ultimate expression of your soul, the manifestation of your dreams, the creation of your reality.” - Infinity #MindsGaming #WritingCorner

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➝ Trapped in The Pleasure Trap. Many people focus mostly on enjoyment. Everyone wants to enjoy life, to engage in pleasure fulfillment of various kinds. All people are distracted by the pleasure trap. In the New Age movement, there is the pleasure trap of “feel-good” comfort...See more

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➝ The Marriage of Thought To Emotion. It is prerequisite to understand how our thoughts, emotions, and actions operate together to manifest our reality. We are constantly marrying our thoughts to our emotions and producing an action into the world. In the ancient mystery school...See more

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➝ Choosing What to Create. We have the free will to choose what effects we create into reality. These are our actions and behaviors. With our free will we can engage in outcomes that affect the reality everyone else is also in. No one has access to our consciousness to determine...See more


It is important to reflect, especially when the memories are fond and the victories are many. Many people lost days, months and even years over playing the Shamdemic Game. I never complied and I never lost a single day of my life because of the fear that so widely circulated at...See more


REMEMBER THIS MAJOR CONFESSION? ( Evil LOVES To Brag ) ====Bullhorn Barry (Opinion / Short Video) Evil always has a hard time keeping silent. It loves to brag of it's conquests and that's exactly what we see happening in this video. In this shocking video clip we see Jane...See more

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➝ Order Followers – The Servants of Evil❗. Those of us who have less conditioning — who don’t obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity — recognize that the so-called “authorities” in our way of life are stupid and idiotic in their actions. We have truer,...See more

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➝ The Papal Bloodlines Black Nobility Crime Families 🚨 For thousands of years the ruling elite classes of monarchies, priests, black nobility, pharaonic blood lines, secret societies, money changers, dark occultists and Cabalists have been keeping knowledge from humanity,...See more

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➝ Attachment to an Erroneous Belief Construct. Attachment to an erroneous belief construct used as a form of identification, self-image, self-worth, purpose, meaning, etc., is a deeply ingrained condition of the current human psyche. We identify who we are with roles we engage...See more

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➝ Is Killing the Same as Murder?. Killing isn’t necessarily immoral. We can kill in self-defense if it comes to that. Murder is a form of killing, but it is immoral, as there is no right to do so. The Sacred Feminine principle of nonaggression and nonviolence has to be violated,...See more

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➝ We have duties and responsibilities to Truth and Morality, to Natural Laws. We have duties and responsibilities to Truth and Morality, to Natural Laws. Aligning with these responsibilities will provide us the privileges and rewards that comes with living the right way. Man...See more


THE NEXUS BETWEEN THE WILDFIRES & CHEMTRAILS !! ( This Too Is Part Of The Rapid-Fire Domino Effect ) ====Bullhorn Barry (Opinion / Short 1.5-Min. Video) After watching Dane Wigington's "Global Dimming" Documentary, I video captured this segment because I thought it was...See more

This Group Is For Poetry, Original Articles, Minds Blogs And Writing Activities. Do Not Post Sales Links Unless You Have A Membership With Us https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/shop -- This group is moderated you can report with the community if you feel you have been banned by mistake or wish to make amends tag an admin in the community chat room https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#MindsGaming:minds.com -- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report my users in this area follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from my that user immediately and leave this area, this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms --- #WritingCorner #MindsGaming #Thursday #minds #writing #Poetry