Spiritual Awakening

Group by : @TrueNatureofReality Admin: @BruceIA57 (Ashby) We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before. A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Please no off-topic posts.
Type: All

Saturday morning Prayer, Word and Blessing 🙏


Loss after loss, pain after pain... Lord how hard it is to see this as gain. When the loss is suffered by one for whom you care... And the pain is so intense it's hard for them to bear... The very best thing one can choose to do… Is bring the burden to Your throne and surrender it to You. For, Lord with all that's transpiring in the world today... Surrendering to You is truly the only way. You are Greatly Loved~♥♥♥~


there is no spiritual awakening until the truth of this Nation is dealt with.


Morning Word, Sept 13/2024. With Christ we are Winners. How can a person defeat the devil? The answer is a person can't do it alone. But together with Christ we are strong, and we have His power and might to help us defeat the evil god of this world. See> (Ephesians 6:10)10...See more


Friday morning Prayer, Word and Blessing 🙏

Group by : @TrueNatureofReality Admin: @BruceIA57 (Ashby) We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before. A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Please no off-topic posts.