Professional/Amateur art

a place to post your artwork from any level of artist
Type: All

Ho boy, for once this is a drawing turned out almost perfect, just a smidgen off what imagined in my head. Whoop whoop. And of course is a character with miles of story lined up behind, story of great and terrible interest, of mighty powers and soul-rending despair, of horribly...See more


So the story behind this drawing is that Slade ( man in the big hat) called his various lieutenants in for a debriefing and planning session. But the day was warm and late and, like usual, it quickly devolved into story time.


It's been four score and twenty years since my last submission...probably...maybe... math's been a little scrambled since I lost a bet and had to let a couple of thoroughly 'baked' skeletons operate on me. To this day i have no idea what they did. While i'm dealing with that...See more


Wahzaa! May i present my latest and greatest and shadiest picture yet, its almost certainly up to something. Probably spying. Anyway, this is that latest picture in a series wherein i try to illustrate a book my brother and i wrote ( The city of locked door, which you can...See more


Here is an pretty basic explaination of how DNA shapes an organism, in ptatice.

a place to post your artwork from any level of artist