Film & Media Makers

Indie Artist & Creative Professionals into Film & Media making! Come hang out!!
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intuition tells me Kate Beckinsale biological father was assassinated by government covertly.MOV intuition tells me Kate Beckinsale biological father was assassinated by government covertly.MOV Migration agency sweden have been nothing but abusive often in covert manner...See more


Hello fellow film lovers! I'm John Henry Soto Founder of JHS Talent Management. Hope you're all well. 🙂📽

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How to Transcend the Soul Trap (Part 3: Recapitulation) Whether it is the Christian notion of Judgement Day, the Hindu and Buddhist concept of karmic reincarnations, the afterlife trials and tribulations of the Egyptian and Tibetan...See more


intuition tells me Kate Beckinsale biological father was assassinated by government covertly.MOV intuition tells me Kate Beckinsale biological father was assassinated by government...See more

Indie Artist & Creative Professionals into Film & Media making! Come hang out!!