Film & Media Makers

Indie Artist & Creative Professionals into Film & Media making! Come hang out!!
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You become what you read. I’ve read a thousand books about heroes and crooks, yet I could not emulate any of their styles. You become what you listen to. I’ve listened to the speeches of great leaders, yet I still do not believe in them. You become what you watch. I’ve...See more

thumb_up1thumb_downchat_bubble The Library Society There are always dreams. And therefore, there are always dreamers. What inspirited the library society? People? Not people. People are normal and do boring things. The founder or...See more


boosts are not worth it? The Library Society There are always dreams. And therefore, there are always dreamers. What inspirited the library society? People? Not people. People are normal and do boring things. The founder or...See more

Indie Artist & Creative Professionals into Film & Media making! Come hang out!!