Open Group for Open Minds. The only rule is don't flood the feed, your content will get deleted. Post it once, that's it.
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More than 190 Democratic lawmakers sued President Donald Trump in federal court on Wednesday, saying he had accepted funds from foreign governments through his businesses without congressional consent in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The complaint said Trump had not sought...See more


"Би Бурханы шийтгэл бол Бурханы та нарт над шиг шийтгэлийг илгээсэн байх байсан байна ... Та нар их нүгэл үйлдсэн биш байсан бол." - Чингис хаан "انا عقاب الله... إذا لم تكن قد ارتكبت خطايا عظيمه ، فان الله لم يكن قد أرسلت العقاب مثلي عليك ". (جنكيز خان) “I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” ― Genghis Khan https://youtu.be/OA4foarxj_o


"The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. DSA's members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist...See more


@Sargon_of_Akkad Magnum-Opus playlist, hopefully his Lordship will join us down here in the trenches for a Q&A session. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM9L2W5aOI_2TSPjL5qbK4ZYFpj7iOsWt


Red Pill Philosophy is an utter maniac, Politically, he's a Cuban-American Libertarian from Miami and Die-Hard Trump supporter, he's famous for his T-Shirts everyone was wearing during the election "Trump 2016: Finally somebody with Balls." In this video he goes over the various theories postulated by David Icke, with some startiling and disturbing results. https://youtu.be/KLop4NUxsQs


Robert Sepeher is an Anthropologist who's work focuses on modernizing the current Cultural Anthropological field that despite a plethora of discoveries has lagged behind the physical Anthropological field by near a century, as far as applied theory is concerned. Robert Sepeher's aim is to make them run paralel again. https://youtu.be/JjAB6_bfXKc

Open Group for Open Minds. The only rule is don't flood the feed, your content will get deleted. Post it once, that's it.