Know What's Right

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: This is an American Nationalist group and host to the official Know What's Right content on Minds. American Nationalism: where acceptance into our great nation is NOT dependent on ethnicity but is based in American culture. This group is moderated. Only post will be moderated, comments on post will not. Feel free to post your opinion in the comments. * No unrelated advertisements * No soliciting Founder and Admin of KWR: @CashDaily ________ #news, #politics, #usa, #houston, #texas, #america, #nationalism, #knowwhatsright
Type: All

SHUT YOU DOWN - This is the way! This new Russian law that would ban the promotion of a “childless lifestyle” and impose heavy fines for “propaganda of childlessness" is how to #MAGA and should be done in the US as well. Putin is right! Women should have at least 3 children! #news #family #KnowWhatsRight

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: This is an American Nationalist group and host to the official Know What's Right content on Minds. American Nationalism: where acceptance into our great nation is NOT dependent on ethnicity but is based in American culture. This group is moderated. Only post will be moderated, comments on post will not. Feel free to post your opinion in the comments. * No unrelated advertisements * No soliciting Founder and Admin of KWR: @CashDaily ________ #news, #politics, #usa, #houston, #texas, #america, #nationalism, #knowwhatsright