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Most people identify one special chalice as the only Holy Grail. Others point out that the Holy Grail legends composed in Europe during the 12th to 15th centuries enumerate more than ten different Holy Grails.


The Epic of Gilgamesh is probably our oldest surviving story. Its strikingly sophisticated and modern views on duty, friendship and mortality shows its influence in all of subsequent literature, from the Bible onwards. https://www.historicmysteries.com/epic-of-gilgamesh/


Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of the fire temples, has survived for 3,500 years. One of the first monotheisms, its teaching influenced the Jews of the Bablyonian Exile, and through them Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


The Bible is clear about the birth of Jesus, and his adult acts, but what about his childhood? The Infancy Gospel of Thomas fills that silence, with strangely human stories of a child growing up with divine powers.


In 1949 accounts began to surface about the exorcism of a possessed boy in the United States. These events inspired the 1973 film The Exorcist, but given the conflicting accounts, what do we really know about Roland Doe?


The astronomer Galileo Galilei was famously forced to deny his own observations as they conflicted with Catholic teaching, defiantly saying “and yet it moves.” But did he say these famous words?


We all know who Satan is, but did you know the Jewish religion also has such a figure? Known as Mastema, the Jewish devil is the dark force opposing the light of God. He told Abraham to kill his son, for example.


The Merovingian kings were fierce Dark Age warriors. But, according to recent theories, they may also have been descended from Christ. What evidence is there to support this fantastic claim?


Who were the Nephilim, the “sons of God” who existed before the flood in the Bible? Do they point to earlier religious traditions? Were they fallen angels, or even ancient aliens?
