HPRefugees 🌐

Welcome HPR members! HPR Motto: "Exsule hoc invenit sibi domum" which means "This refugee finds a home"
Type: Allâ–Ÿ

Has the HPR crowd left the building for MeWe?? If so, will the admin here please turn off the lights??


Followup-- "5 questions on Trump's newest drug-pricing plan" -- 1. Will the international benchmark actually come to fruition? Skeptics doubt the Trump administration will follow through with the splashiest part of the proposal: tying Medicare Part B drug prices to foreign prices for the same drugs, which are often significantly lower. https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20181026/NEWS/181029926?


18 US volcanoes considered a ‘very high threat;’ Hawaii's Kilauea is the most dangerous -- 12 volcanoes have jumped in threat level since 2005, while 20 others dropped in threat level. -- new assessment 'is not a forecast or indication of which volcanoes are most likely to erupt next. Rather, it is an indicator of the potential severity of impacts that may result from future eruptions at any given volcano." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/10/25/volcanoes-18-us-volcanoes-very-high-threat-government-says/1761329002/


Remote Hawaiian island vanishes underwater after hurricane -- The 11-acre isle acted as nesting grounds for half the world's Hawaiian green sea turtles, the Civil Beat reported. It served as the birthplace for roughly one-seventh of all Hawaiian monk seals. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/10/24/hawaii-east-island-vanishes-underwater-hurricane-walaka/1754566002/


Of course, Trump’s civil calls for people to unite and stop the divisive rhetoric couldn’t last. By Wednesday evening Trump once again was attacking the press and blaming them for the violence. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-attacks-media-after-pipe-bombs

Welcome HPR members! HPR Motto: "Exsule hoc invenit sibi domum" which means "This refugee finds a home"