Honkler's Clown World

ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.
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Unfortunately, none of this is unexpected in today's society. It was Jiddu Krishnamurti who said that it is no measure of health to become well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Well, society is profoundly sick. It turns victims into perpetrators, offers them no help, tosses...See more


They're just ASKING for 1776 Part Deux with stuff like this so, fuck around and find out. Go for it, guys. Watch what happens. While I am not against the CONCEPT of electric cars in general, the current implementation of such technology is NOT SUSTAINABLE and is a total...See more

ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.