➝ Failure to Identify the Root Causal Factors.
Do you feel frustrated with life? With our planets condition? With how we live? Or maybe you are frustrated but don’t know why, and try to find ways of relieving it but it never lasts?
The inability to actualize, realize and live...See more
➝ DeOcculting The Occult.
People say they want certain conditions to be present for themselves [and humanity as a whole] such as happiness, health, peace, and freedom, but aren't completely honest with themselves. When they are told that those aren't automatic conditions, that...See more
➝ ∑ There is a Science of Behavioral Dynamics that can be Applied as an ∝ Objective Law in Reality. ∑
Human behavior is part of nature, reality, existence, the universe. Reality, existence, universe and nature has Natural Laws. Therefore, human behavior has Natural Laws since it...See more
Perceptual distractions are all the peripheral aspects of life that keep us from facing ourselves in the mirror, our shadow, and gaining increased conscious awareness in order for us to be able to feel the impact of reality as it is. Ignorance of reality is unconsciousness, and...See more
➝ Know Thyself - Attachment Blinds us to Reality.
Attachment blinds us to reality. Attachment is the root of suffering. Detachment is freedom.
Attachment applies on many levels of life because its intricately rooted into our ego-personality-identity construct, our sense of...See more
Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: All Is Now Active! Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Special Intel Report 11/9/24 (Video)
Just about everyone you ever heard of, all these household names are sold out, compromised, controlled, in some way, one way, or another. Just about everyone.
➝ Moral Education is The Way. 🔑
Moral education is how we change the world. When the majority of human beings are moral relativists, there's no common sense... no conscience (to know together).
When you have no deep understanding of the objective difference between Right and...See more
The Most Diabolical Deception in History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHH5b4-_Icw
Since its inception, NASA has effectively dominated the entire narrative surrounding cosmology and our understanding of Earth and its structure. With ever-advancing technology, the agency...See more