The Enlightened Minds

An open group for the minds community. A place for you and your friends.
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➝ DeOcculting The Matrix. The Matrix is not your typical movie, because it is saturated with occult symbolism and hidden messages. This movie was produced by Andy and Lana Wachowski and approved by the Controllers (Elites). The Controllers wanted Andy and Lana to produce this...See more

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The election ritual is the ostensible gesture used by central governments to keep their subjects pacified — allowing them to think, erroneously, that they can exercise control over their government. The preposterous idea that people can somehow control their controllers has been...See more

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➝ Thinking-Learning-Evolving. Do you think True Freedom and Peace will come with living in lies and falsity? If yes, then you are an idiot. If not, then what are you doing to learn about the falsity and lies all around us? Are you learning about reality that matters? Quality...See more

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Praying or Preying? When people pray to the Creator, God, the gods, angels, deceased relatives, or other entities, the general hope is that these beings are listening, that they are benevolent, and that they desire to grant our...See more

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➝ Uniting Under Foundational Principles. – Contradiction, inconsistency and disintegrity cannot create True Unity. – Trying to force and coerce “unity” through contradictory Moral Baselines is not unity, integrity, harmony or consistency. – You cannot have true moral unification...See more

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➝ THE ONE TRUE DIVIDE. 🧭 There is only one true divide that separates humanity into two distinct types of individuals. The criterion for this divide is whether or not a person believes in “authority,” and therefore believes that there is legitimacy to slavery. That is the only...See more

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➝ Are You in Service to Ego Attachment? The Great Work requires service to Truth. Most people are busy serving themselves and serving the system that they want to get things from in order to service themselves more. They are eager and hungry for more of the pleasure and...See more

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Flat Earth - Knowledge vs. Belief: How can we endeavor to know, and not just believe, the true shape of the Earth? Get Connected with and Help Support Eric: Website: Books:...See more

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➝ A Long, Long Time Ago, Mankind Planted an Evil Seed Called "Authority". Society, as a whole, has been deliberately dumbed down by those who wish to mold mankind into a more easily "standardized" mass group who will go along to get along and never question why it is the way it...See more

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➝ What IS The Paradigm Shift? — and Why Hasn't The Paradigm Shift Already Happened? • Knowledge of the Occult (Hidden Science & Spirituality). • Knowing that Truth and Morality are Objective. • Knowing the Characteristics of the Higher Self. • Knowing that the Physical and...See more

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The Theory of Evolution DEBUNKED: Let's explore various historical concepts that have been used to uphold and validate the Theory of Evolution. I'm confident that these findings and key historical events, which have been...See more


As you may know Russia invites people seeking asylum from destructive neo-liberal "values" of the Western World. In my new article you will find more details and the list of countries:

An open group for the minds community. A place for you and your friends.