
A group for those practicing, or interested in, sustainable ethical non-monogamy. Not a group for dating. Nothing is sacrosanct. Civility brings its own reward.
Type: All

Also, My husband (of 18+ years) and I have been open for over 2 years, and I have a secondary partner of 2 years. When we first opened our marriage, I decided to fuck my way through the zodiac and have recently begun writing about that journey and the resulting insights. https://sexuallibra.blogspot.com/


Hello all! I created a survey about marriage - looking to compile data on questions about sex, communication, and attitudes about openness and nonmonogamy. I would REALLY appreciate those willing to take the survey and also share it. Responses are anonymous. I'm hoping to get hundreds of responders and from as many demographics as I can. The data collected so far has been very interesting and I'd appreciate the any and all participation <3 https://us6.list-manage.com/survey?u=b46b5d506a0da43b2e66d24f9&id=74992c09fb


Being #Polyamourous and #Libertarian is not the best position to be in. I'm starting to think. Lol


Oh it's been forever since having a good conversation


Greetings! Bring me a spot on that sexy couch! Free thinker hailing from Philadelphia. Let it begin indeed.


And so it begins ☺

A group for those practicing, or interested in, sustainable ethical non-monogamy. Not a group for dating. Nothing is sacrosanct. Civility brings its own reward.