Real ⚖ Law

⚑ It is Time to End Our Fraudulant System of Law and Restore Justice in the United States to serve as an example for all. Stay on topic - Law of the Land and its relationship to the other jurisdictions. - within Reason * Respect all - Moderated - Soil Jurisdiction Focused. #Remind #Real #Law #legalese #Living #Lawful #Sharing Encouraged Observers Welcome *** Same Issues 4U2 This is a learning and discussion group to explore and discover the true nature of our nations history with a focus on the rule of law that is supposed to support our natural rights to life, freedom, voluntary liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our primary goal is to assist our local communities as well as those throughout the country renew genuine trust and faith in each other in order to achieve a strengthened foundation of truth and justice for us all in self governance and Lawfulness. It is recommended you scroll to the first article and work your way up. Those articles and videos that are consi - Tdered most important are notated, though all are good. -------------------------------------------------------- Do you REALLY know American History? Taking Back America - EMERGENCY - ALL Delegated Gov Services Contracts are Illegitimate. Abdicating Personal Responsibility: Real Freedom and the New World Order: The Power of Words. The World of His Kingdom and the Words of the World Compared. How They Got YOU Tricked. ➝The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE: Natural Law, Freedom And Morality: ⚑ Government Tricks. Natural Laww Natural Man, Natural Rights. The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE Natural Law - Concept of AUTHORIT
Type: All

Understanding Words and Symbols - Dark to Light . Facing the meanings of our #words, we can redeem our #environment and ourselves When you understand words, you understand the #world Thank you Santos . . #ATOM #ATUM


To be grateful for all of life requires great spiritual mettle and prayer. Scripture shows us countless moments when, out of sorrow, God creates something good, though we can’t see it at first (Is 55:8), we must root our faith in God alone.

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➝ Bound To Morality By Reason. 🔑 Moral Relativism/Subjectivity If you can't (or refuse to) discern reality objectively as it is, then you can't discern what your behavior objectively represents. There is no objective Standard of right vs. wrong behavior. Whatever gets you to...See more

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➝ Only by Knowing the Methods by Which We are Being Deceived Can We Progress. Most of us try to live through the idea of what we consider to be “good”. But our ability to actualize the authentic, genuine, real, true good is limited by various barriers. Many falsities are...See more

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➝ The Quest to Wisdom. Matter is what individual objects are made of in general and these objects are represented in nature, the universe. Nature is the reality we live in, that we are immersed in, the greater womb we are born into and live in. There are hidden, occulted,...See more

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➝ Foundational Axioms to Build Upon. When inquiring into aspects of truth and reality, there are limits to the degree of verification we can employ to trace something back to its roots in the grounding of reality. You can only regress back so far to trace something and know it...See more

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➝ We Do Not Know How to Think nor How to Learn. Statism, governments, military, police, money, politics etc. are not the real problem, as they are the manifestations of a problem that we create. We are the problem. Focusing on getting rid of all these things we created will not...See more

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➝ TRUE ANARCHY. 🔑 Most people still do not understand what "Anarchy" is or truly means. Do a word association survey in your community and ask people what word comes to mind when they hear the word "anarchy." 99% of the time people will say "chaos,""mayhem," "disorder," or...See more


Understanding Probate in Florida: Which Assets Are Included? In Florida, not all assets are subject to probate. Probate typically applies to assets solely in the deceased person's name. This includes real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal property. However, assets with designated beneficiaries, such as life insurance policies and retirement accounts, are exempt from probate. Understanding which assets are subject to probate can help simplify the estate administration process.

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➝ Magic, Magicians and Sorcerers. In Ancient Egypt, Kemet, magickal or meaningful speech was called “heka”. This is the “Art of the Mouth”. If you’re familiar with the Trivium Method, the aspect of Rhetoric is the Art of Communication. This 3rd phase in the trinity is also...See more

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➝ Legal versus Lawful. 🔑 Legal versus Lawful! What does that mean? You may ask, are they not one and the same? If something is lawful, does it not follow that it is also legal? The answer is most definitely NO! We have been misled in many things, and in particular with regards...See more

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➝ I-magi-nation - All is Mind. There is death of the imagination on such a grand scale today. I don't mean in the sense that people can't be creative if they want to be. Imagination is deeper than just dreaming up fictional characters or interesting art. The imagination at the...See more

⚑ It is Time to End Our Fraudulant System of Law and Restore Justice in the United States to serve as an example for all. Stay on topic - Law of the Land and its relationship to the other jurisdictions. - within Reason * Respect all - Moderated - Soil Jurisdiction Focused. #Remind #Real #Law #legalese #Living #Lawful #Sharing Encouraged Observers Welcome *** Same Issues 4U2 This is a learning and discussion group to explore and discover the true nature of our nations history with a focus on the rule of law that is supposed to support our natural rights to life, freedom, voluntary liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our primary goal is to assist our local communities as well as those throughout the country renew genuine trust and faith in each other in order to achieve a strengthened foundation of truth and justice for us all in self governance and Lawfulness. It is recommended you scroll to the first article and work your way up. Those articles and videos that are consi - Tdered most important are notated, though all are good. -------------------------------------------------------- Do you REALLY know American History? Taking Back America - EMERGENCY - ALL Delegated Gov Services Contracts are Illegitimate. Abdicating Personal Responsibility: Real Freedom and the New World Order: The Power of Words. The World of His Kingdom and the Words of the World Compared. How They Got YOU Tricked. ➝The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE: Natural Law, Freedom And Morality: ⚑ Government Tricks. Natural Laww Natural Man, Natural Rights. The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE Natural Law - Concept of AUTHORIT
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