Change My Mind

A place for open discussion. The emphasis is on learning from another's perspective so please source when you can and be prepared to explain your position with respect.
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The Theory of Evolution DEBUNKED: Let's explore various historical concepts that have been used to uphold and validate the Theory of Evolution. I'm confident that these findings and key historical events, which have been...See more


Incomprehensible evil is what they are, and while it is fair to say that has happened to just about all people in a long and bloody war, they're just sipping their coffee, enjoying their dinner, as they savor the suffering of Gaza. #Jews #Jewish #evil

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➝ Take Off the Rosy-Colored Glasses. We can have a better world instead of the suffering that is manifesting. Facing the negatives in the world enables us to understand how and why we are co-creating this condition. Some of the hardest darkness to face is within ourselves. It is...See more


It's hard to say these people don't know that they're risking their own lives by trying to take over the world as a vast minority that were the most hated group in all of history, but it's like any cult, you find something real stupid, and you just believe it, no matter what. #jews #mindcontrol #karma


🚨 Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! 🚨 Order your Trump 2024 $2 bill today and show your support for the 45th President! #Trump2024 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Order Here: Order Here:


Hear The Word of The Lord Spoken to THIS Generation!


هل شعرت أن موقفا ما قد حصل معك من قبل؟ هل شعرت في يوم من الأيام بأن موقفا ما قد حصل معك من قبل؟ أو أنه مر عليك في يوم من الأيام؟ هذه الظاهرة تسمى : الديجافو أو "شوهد من قبل" ( deja vu). فهل تعلم ماهو تفسير هذه الظاهرة الغريبة؟ هنا ستجد الإجابة على هذا الموضوع 👇:

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Loosh Farm Earth: Robert Monroe was an American radio broadcasting executive who was known for his work in the field of altered states of consciousness. He founded the Monroe Institute for the exploration of human consciousness,...See more


Hear The Word of The Lord Spoken to THIS Generation!

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➝ Our Attachment to various Wrongs over the Actual Right. We can live in childlike playfulness with the innocence of nescience of evil and enjoy life, if we live in Natural Moral Law and do no serious wrongs against others. Imagine if evil were removed, and no longer visible, no...See more


Hear The Word of The Lord Spoken to THIS Generation!

A place for open discussion. The emphasis is on learning from another's perspective so please source when you can and be prepared to explain your position with respect.