
Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling … makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. Every era must be judged by that era/epoch. [Каждую эпоху нужно судить по этой эпохе] How can the IMF influence a particular country? By providing loans to it, and if the country does not comply with the conditions of the IMF, the IMF does NOT give loans. The Russian Federation REPAID its LAST IMF loan in 2005, so this IMF leverage on Russia has NOT been in place since 2005. The share of the Russian Federation in the IMF is 2.7%. The recommendations of the IMF sometimes coincide with what the Russian leadership has outlined, and sometimes they do not coincide, and sometimes they contradict the recommendations of the IMF. The leadership of Russia acts according to its own discretion.] "Их отец диавол; и ОНИ ИСПОЛНЯЮТ ПОХОТИ ОТЦА СВОЕГО. Он был человекоубийца от начала и не устоял в истине, ибо НЕТ в нем истины. Когда говорит он ложь, говорит свое, ибо ОН ЛЖЕЦ И ОТЕЦ ЛЖИ.” (От Иоанна 8:44) jewish Oligarch: Leonid Nevzlin, the exiled partner of Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky; Berezovsky, #russia #sanctions #kaliningrad #nato #petroleum #bulgaria #uk #anglosaxons #ukraine #eu #g7 #g20 #weapons #iran #syria #brics
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