Woke Folk

**THIS IS A NON-RELIGIOUS GROUP** PURPOSE: People everywhere are waking up at an ever increasing rate. We have come to the realization that things are not what they seem, there is much we are not being told and some of our longest-held beliefs about reality simply are not true. This realization can be exhilarating, frightening and alienating and leave you wondering "where do we go from here, what now, what next?" This group is a gathering of that awakening tribe. We are here to learn, to share knowledge, and to collectively figure out "What next?" There are no rules here, hence no expectation of compliance There is no punishment; I will not remove anyone from this group - if you would like to leave, you may do so of your own accord using the "unjoin" button at the top of the page. There will be no censorship here - I hope everyone speaks their truth in a respectful and kind way. Approach each post and comment with love, kindness and understanding with the spirit of sharing and learning - each one of us is the both the Teacher and the Pupil. It is much more important to be kind and respectful than to be right. There is no topic that is "off-limits" Share your truth. - These are the basic Tenets of the Group. There is a lot of information that comes with the awakening process and everyone takes it at their own pace, some of that information can be an insult to the soul and challenge your core beliefs. If you find something triggers you, consider that this may be an area of deep programming for you, also consider that a different point of view is an opportunity to learn and explore something new. GOAL: The eventual goal of this group is to gather together we souls who find ourselves awake and explore ways and means to move forward toward solutions and change in peace, love, light and unity.
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