Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

Welcome to the group "Pro-life is Pro Woman". Memo from Roland Oliva : The purpose of this group is to bring together people with the same traditional principle, and that is pro-life. We will be posting articles and information in reference to pro-life. We will be also posting beautiful baby photo. Everybody is welcome and everybody is welcome to post and participate. But be aware that I reserve the right to remove any inappropriate post or comment. But don't let this keep you from participating. Thank you for visiting this group.
Type: Allā–¾

After a 9 hr drive through 4 states, I look at my sons and know I am blessed. Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in oneā€™s youth. - 127:3-4 #ProLife #bible #fridaymorning #kids #love

Welcome to the group "Pro-life is Pro Woman". Memo from Roland Oliva : The purpose of this group is to bring together people with the same traditional principle, and that is pro-life. We will be posting articles and information in reference to pro-life. We will be also posting beautiful baby photo. Everybody is welcome and everybody is welcome to post and participate. But be aware that I reserve the right to remove any inappropriate post or comment. But don't let this keep you from participating. Thank you for visiting this group.